Novel application of plant growth promoting bacteria: synergistic co-cultivation with microalgae
J.S. Joshi, L. Fladung, S.V. Homburg, O. Kruse, A. Patel, in: 2021.
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Kurzbeitrag Konferenz
| Englisch
Bielefelder Institut für Angewandte Materialforschung (BIfAM)
Alternativer Titel
Neue Anwendung für wachstumsfördernde Bakterien: Synergistische Co-Kultivierung mit Mikroalgen
62. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung
2021-09-21 – 2021-09-23
Joshi, Jnanada Shrikant ; Fladung, Laura ; Homburg, Sarah Vanessa ; Kruse, Olaf ; Patel, Anant: Novel application of plant growth promoting bacteria: synergistic co-cultivation with microalgae. In: , 2021
Joshi JS, Fladung L, Homburg SV, Kruse O, Patel A. Novel application of plant growth promoting bacteria: synergistic co-cultivation with microalgae. In: ; 2021.
Joshi, J. S., Fladung, L., Homburg, S. V., Kruse, O., & Patel, A. (2021). Novel application of plant growth promoting bacteria: synergistic co-cultivation with microalgae. Presented at the 62. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung, online.
@inproceedings{Joshi_Fladung_Homburg_Kruse_Patel_2021, title={Novel application of plant growth promoting bacteria: synergistic co-cultivation with microalgae}, author={Joshi, Jnanada Shrikant and Fladung, Laura and Homburg, Sarah Vanessa and Kruse, Olaf and Patel, Anant}, year={2021} }
Joshi, Jnanada Shrikant, Laura Fladung, Sarah Vanessa Homburg, Olaf Kruse, and Anant Patel. “Novel Application of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria: Synergistic Co-Cultivation with Microalgae,” 2021.
J. S. Joshi, L. Fladung, S. V. Homburg, O. Kruse, and A. Patel, “Novel application of plant growth promoting bacteria: synergistic co-cultivation with microalgae,” presented at the 62. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung, online, 2021.
Joshi, Jnanada Shrikant, et al. Novel Application of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria: Synergistic Co-Cultivation with Microalgae. 2021.
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