{"doi":"10.1007/3-540-36872-8_3","quality_controlled":"1","publisher":"Springer Berlin Heidelberg","editor":[{"first_name":"Donglu","full_name":"Shi, Donglu","last_name":"Shi"},{"first_name":"Bekir","full_name":"Aktaş, Bekir","last_name":"Aktaş"},{"last_name":"Pust","full_name":"Pust, Ladislav","first_name":"Ladislav"},{"full_name":"Mikailov, Faik","last_name":"Mikailov","first_name":"Faik"}],"author":[{"first_name":"M. Ye.","last_name":"Zhuravlev","full_name":"Zhuravlev, M. Ye."},{"full_name":"Schepper, W.","last_name":"Schepper","first_name":"W."},{"last_name":"Heitmann","full_name":"Heitmann, Sonja","id":"202389","orcid":"0000-0002-5503-2128","first_name":"Sonja"},{"first_name":"H. O.","full_name":"Lutz, H. O.","last_name":"Lutz"},{"first_name":"A. V.","last_name":"Vedyayev","full_name":"Vedyayev, A. V."},{"last_name":"Reiss","full_name":"Reiss, G.","first_name":"G."},{"last_name":"Hütten","full_name":"Hütten, A.","first_name":"A."}],"extern":"1","date_updated":"2023-03-26T19:26:45Z","page":"43-57","place":"Berlin, Heidelberg","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"type":"book_chapter","series_title":"Lecture Notes in Physics","publication_identifier":{"issn":["0075-8450"],"eisbn":["978-3-540-36872-4"],"isbn":["978-3-540-44102-1"]},"publication_status":"published","year":"2002","_id":"2682","status":"public","date_created":"2023-03-24T13:12:57Z","title":"Model Calculation of the Giant Magnetoresistance in Multilayers with an Arbitrary Number of Layers","publication":"Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their Applications","citation":{"ieee":"M. Y. Zhuravlev et al., “Model Calculation of the Giant Magnetoresistance in Multilayers with an Arbitrary Number of Layers,” in Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their Applications, D. Shi, B. Aktaş, L. Pust, and F. Mikailov, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002, pp. 43–57.","apa":"Zhuravlev, M. Y., Schepper, W., Heitmann, S., Lutz, H. O., Vedyayev, A. V., Reiss, G., & Hütten, A. (2002). Model Calculation of the Giant Magnetoresistance in Multilayers with an Arbitrary Number of Layers. In D. Shi, B. Aktaş, L. Pust, & F. Mikailov (Eds.), Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their Applications (pp. 43–57). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-36872-8_3","chicago":"Zhuravlev, M. Ye., W. Schepper, Sonja Heitmann, H. O. Lutz, A. V. Vedyayev, G. Reiss, and A. Hütten. “Model Calculation of the Giant Magnetoresistance in Multilayers with an Arbitrary Number of Layers.” In Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their Applications, edited by Donglu Shi, Bekir Aktaş, Ladislav Pust, and Faik Mikailov, 43–57. Lecture Notes in Physics. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-36872-8_3.","alphadin":"Zhuravlev, M. Ye. ; Schepper, W. ; Heitmann, Sonja ; Lutz, H. O. ; Vedyayev, A. V. ; Reiss, G. ; Hütten, A.: Model Calculation of the Giant Magnetoresistance in Multilayers with an Arbitrary Number of Layers. In: Shi, D. ; Aktaş, B. ; Pust, L. ; Mikailov, F. (Hrsg.): Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their Applications, Lecture Notes in Physics. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002, S. 43–57","short":"M.Y. Zhuravlev, W. Schepper, S. Heitmann, H.O. Lutz, A.V. Vedyayev, G. Reiss, A. Hütten, in: D. Shi, B. Aktaş, L. Pust, F. Mikailov (Eds.), Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2002, pp. 43–57.","ama":"Zhuravlev MY, Schepper W, Heitmann S, et al. Model Calculation of the Giant Magnetoresistance in Multilayers with an Arbitrary Number of Layers. In: Shi D, Aktaş B, Pust L, Mikailov F, eds. Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their Applications. Lecture Notes in Physics. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2002:43-57. doi:10.1007/3-540-36872-8_3","mla":"Zhuravlev, M. Ye., et al. “Model Calculation of the Giant Magnetoresistance in Multilayers with an Arbitrary Number of Layers.” Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their Applications, edited by Donglu Shi et al., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002, pp. 43–57, doi:10.1007/3-540-36872-8_3.","bibtex":"@inbook{Zhuravlev_Schepper_Heitmann_Lutz_Vedyayev_Reiss_Hütten_2002, place={Berlin, Heidelberg}, series={Lecture Notes in Physics}, title={Model Calculation of the Giant Magnetoresistance in Multilayers with an Arbitrary Number of Layers}, DOI={10.1007/3-540-36872-8_3}, booktitle={Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their Applications}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author={Zhuravlev, M. Ye. and Schepper, W. and Heitmann, Sonja and Lutz, H. O. and Vedyayev, A. V. and Reiss, G. and Hütten, A.}, editor={Shi, Donglu and Aktaş, Bekir and Pust, Ladislav and Mikailov, FaikEditors}, year={2002}, pages={43–57}, collection={Lecture Notes in Physics} }"},"user_id":"202389"}