{"place":"Chicago","date_updated":"2023-05-24T07:47:46Z","publication_status":"inpress","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"citation":{"bibtex":"@inbook{Muth, place={Chicago}, title={Buber’s Concept of the Soul}, booktitle={100th Anniversary of I and Thou}, publisher={University of Chicago Press}, author={Muth, Cornelia}, editor={Mendes-Flohr, PaulEditor} }","ama":"Muth C. Buber’s Concept of the Soul. In: Mendes-Flohr P, ed. 100th Anniversary of I and Thou. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.","mla":"Muth, Cornelia. “Buber’s Concept of the Soul.” 100th Anniversary of I and Thou, edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr, University of Chicago Press.","ieee":"C. Muth, “Buber’s Concept of the Soul,” in 100th Anniversary of I and Thou, P. Mendes-Flohr, Ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.","chicago":"Muth, Cornelia. “Buber’s Concept of the Soul.” In 100th Anniversary of I and Thou, edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, n.d.","apa":"Muth, C. (n.d.). Buber’s Concept of the Soul. In P. Mendes-Flohr (Ed.), 100th Anniversary of I and Thou. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.","short":"C. Muth, in: P. Mendes-Flohr (Ed.), 100th Anniversary of I and Thou, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, n.d.","alphadin":"Muth, Cornelia: Buber’s Concept of the Soul. In: Mendes-Flohr, P. (Hrsg.): 100th Anniversary of I and Thou. Chicago : University of Chicago Press"},"quality_controlled":"1","date_created":"2023-03-22T09:31:34Z","publication":"100th Anniversary of I and Thou","type":"book_chapter","editor":[{"last_name":"Mendes-Flohr","first_name":"Paul","full_name":"Mendes-Flohr, Paul"}],"year":"2023","user_id":"245590","_id":"2661","title":"Buber’s Concept of the Soul","author":[{"last_name":"Muth","first_name":"Cornelia","full_name":"Muth, Cornelia","id":"34000","orcid":"0009-0004-8317-9217"}],"status":"public","publisher":"University of Chicago Press"}