Mutually Designing Domestic IT Applications with Older Adults

M. Schorch, C. Müller, D. Struzek, in: C. Eisenmann, K. Englert, C. Schubert , E. Voss (Eds.), Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making, 1st ed., Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 2023, pp. 203–223.

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Buchbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Schorch, MarenFH Bielefeld ; Müller, Claudia; Struzek, David
Eisenmann, Clemens; Englert, Kathrin; Schubert , Cornelius ; Voss, Ehler
Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making


Schorch, Maren ; Müller, Claudia ; Struzek, David: Mutually Designing Domestic IT Applications with Older Adults. In: Eisenmann, C. ; Englert, K. ; Schubert , C. ; Voss, E. (Hrsg.): Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making. 1. Aufl. Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2023, S. 203–223
Schorch M, Müller C, Struzek D. Mutually Designing Domestic IT Applications with Older Adults. In: Eisenmann C, Englert K, Schubert C, Voss E, eds. Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making. 1st ed. Wiesbaden: Springer VS; 2023:203–223. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-39037-2
Schorch, M., Müller, C., & Struzek, D. (2023). Mutually Designing Domestic IT Applications with Older Adults. In C. Eisenmann, K. Englert, C. Schubert , & E. Voss (Eds.), Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making (1st ed., pp. 203–223). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
@inbook{Schorch_Müller_Struzek_2023, place={Wiesbaden}, edition={1}, title={Mutually Designing Domestic IT Applications with Older Adults}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-658-39037-2}, booktitle={Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making}, publisher={Springer VS}, author={Schorch, Maren and Müller, Claudia and Struzek, David}, editor={Eisenmann, Clemens and Englert, Kathrin and Schubert , Cornelius and Voss, EhlerEditors}, year={2023}, pages={203–223} }
Schorch, Maren, Claudia Müller, and David Struzek. “Mutually Designing Domestic IT Applications with Older Adults.” In Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making, edited by Clemens Eisenmann, Kathrin Englert, Cornelius Schubert , and Ehler Voss, 1st ed., 203–223. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2023.
M. Schorch, C. Müller, and D. Struzek, “Mutually Designing Domestic IT Applications with Older Adults,” in Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making, 1st ed., C. Eisenmann, K. Englert, C. Schubert , and E. Voss, Eds. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2023, pp. 203–223.
Schorch, Maren, et al. “Mutually Designing Domestic IT Applications with Older Adults.” Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making, edited by Clemens Eisenmann et al., 1st ed., Springer VS, 2023, pp. 203–223, doi:10.1007/978-3-658-39037-2.


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