Radar based detection of human vital parameters in a hospital bed

T. Hesse, F. Ach, in: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (Ed.), 2022.

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Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Hesse, ThomasFH Bielefeld; Ach, Florian
herausgebende Körperschaft
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
CareTech OWL - Zentrum für Gesundheit, Soziales und Technologie
44th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference
Glasgow, Scotland, UK
2022-07-11 – 2022-07-15


Hesse, Thomas ; Ach, Florian: Radar based detection of human vital parameters in a hospital bed. In: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (Hrsg.): , 2022
Hesse T, Ach F. Radar based detection of human vital parameters in a hospital bed. In: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, ed. ; 2022.
Hesse, T., & Ach, F. (2022). Radar based detection of human vital parameters in a hospital bed. In IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (Ed.). Presented at the 44th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
@inproceedings{Hesse_Ach_2022, title={Radar based detection of human vital parameters in a hospital bed}, author={Hesse, Thomas and Ach, Florian}, editor={IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocietyEditor}, year={2022} }
Hesse, Thomas, and Florian Ach. “Radar Based Detection of Human Vital Parameters in a Hospital Bed.” edited by IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2022.
T. Hesse and F. Ach, “Radar based detection of human vital parameters in a hospital bed,” presented at the 44th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2022.
Hesse, Thomas, and Florian Ach. Radar Based Detection of Human Vital Parameters in a Hospital Bed. Edited by IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2022.


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