Investigating minimal requirements for plants on textile substrates in low-cost hydroponic systems

B. Brockhagen, F. Schoden, J.L. Storck, T. Grothe, C. Eßelmann, R. Böttjer, A. Rattenholl, F. Gudermann, AIMS Bioengineering 8 (2021) 173–191.

Artikel | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Brockhagen, BennetFH Bielefeld; Schoden, FabianFH Bielefeld ; Storck, Jan LukasFH Bielefeld ; Grothe, TimoFH Bielefeld ; Eßelmann, Christian; Böttjer, Robin; Rattenholl, Anke; Gudermann, Frank
AIMS Bioengineering


Brockhagen, Bennet ; Schoden, Fabian ; Storck, Jan Lukas ; Grothe, Timo ; Eßelmann, Christian ; Böttjer, Robin ; Rattenholl, Anke ; Gudermann, Frank: Investigating minimal requirements for plants on textile substrates in low-cost hydroponic systems. In: AIMS Bioengineering Bd. 8, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) (2021), Nr. 2, S. 173–191
Brockhagen B, Schoden F, Storck JL, et al. Investigating minimal requirements for plants on textile substrates in low-cost hydroponic systems. AIMS Bioengineering. 2021;8(2):173-191. doi:10.3934/bioeng.2021016
Brockhagen, B., Schoden, F., Storck, J. L., Grothe, T., Eßelmann, C., Böttjer, R., … Gudermann, F. (2021). Investigating minimal requirements for plants on textile substrates in low-cost hydroponic systems. AIMS Bioengineering, 8(2), 173–191.
@article{Brockhagen_Schoden_Storck_Grothe_Eßelmann_Böttjer_Rattenholl_Gudermann_2021, title={Investigating minimal requirements for plants on textile substrates in low-cost hydroponic systems}, volume={8}, DOI={10.3934/bioeng.2021016}, number={2}, journal={AIMS Bioengineering}, publisher={American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)}, author={Brockhagen, Bennet and Schoden, Fabian and Storck, Jan Lukas and Grothe, Timo and Eßelmann, Christian and Böttjer, Robin and Rattenholl, Anke and Gudermann, Frank}, year={2021}, pages={173–191} }
Brockhagen, Bennet, Fabian Schoden, Jan Lukas Storck, Timo Grothe, Christian Eßelmann, Robin Böttjer, Anke Rattenholl, and Frank Gudermann. “Investigating Minimal Requirements for Plants on Textile Substrates in Low-Cost Hydroponic Systems.” AIMS Bioengineering 8, no. 2 (2021): 173–91.
B. Brockhagen et al., “Investigating minimal requirements for plants on textile substrates in low-cost hydroponic systems,” AIMS Bioengineering, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 173–191, 2021.
Brockhagen, Bennet, et al. “Investigating Minimal Requirements for Plants on Textile Substrates in Low-Cost Hydroponic Systems.” AIMS Bioengineering, vol. 8, no. 2, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), 2021, pp. 173–91, doi:10.3934/bioeng.2021016.

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