{"conference":{"name":"76th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of APS","location":"Atlanta"},"author":[{"full_name":"Powell, George","last_name":"Powell","first_name":"George"},{"first_name":"Larry","last_name":"Engelhardt","full_name":"Engelhardt, Larry"},{"first_name":"Thomas","last_name":"Hilbig","full_name":"Hilbig, Thomas"},{"first_name":"Christian","id":"35809","orcid":"0000-0002-6391-6548","last_name":"Schröder","full_name":"Schröder, Christian"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"_id":"1889","status":"public","date_created":"2022-04-22T13:29:22Z","date_updated":"2022-04-22T13:29:26Z","user_id":"35809","title":"How to use 100000 PCs for studying magnetism","year":"2009","type":"conference","citation":{"ama":"Powell G, Engelhardt L, Hilbig T, Schröder C. How to use 100000 PCs for studying magnetism. In: ; 2009.","apa":"Powell, G., Engelhardt, L., Hilbig, T., & Schröder, C. (2009). How to use 100000 PCs for studying magnetism. Presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of APS, Atlanta.","ieee":"G. Powell, L. Engelhardt, T. Hilbig, and C. Schröder, “How to use 100000 PCs for studying magnetism,” presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of APS, Atlanta, 2009.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Powell_Engelhardt_Hilbig_Schröder_2009, title={How to use 100000 PCs for studying magnetism}, author={Powell, George and Engelhardt, Larry and Hilbig, Thomas and Schröder, Christian}, year={2009} }","mla":"Powell, George, et al. How to Use 100000 PCs for Studying Magnetism. 2009.","short":"G. Powell, L. Engelhardt, T. Hilbig, C. Schröder, in: 2009.","alphadin":"Powell, George ; Engelhardt, Larry ; Hilbig, Thomas ; Schröder, Christian: How to use 100000 PCs for studying magnetism. In: , 2009","chicago":"Powell, George, Larry Engelhardt, Thomas Hilbig, and Christian Schröder. “How to Use 100000 PCs for Studying Magnetism,” 2009."}}