{"volume":47,"editor":[{"first_name":"Andreas","last_name":"Tolk","full_name":"Tolk, Andreas"},{"first_name":"Jose J. ","full_name":"Padilla, Jose J. ","last_name":"Padilla"},{"first_name":"Shafagh","last_name":"Jafer","full_name":"Jafer, Shafagh"}],"author":[{"last_name":"Reisch","full_name":"Reisch, Raphael","first_name":"Raphael"},{"first_name":"Jens","last_name":"Weber","full_name":"Weber, Jens"},{"first_name":"Christoph","full_name":"Laroque, Christoph","last_name":"Laroque"},{"full_name":"Schröder, Christian","last_name":"Schröder","orcid":"0000-0002-6391-6548","first_name":"Christian","id":"35809"}],"place":"San Diego","date_updated":"2022-04-22T12:43:12Z","page":"49-56","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"intvolume":" 47","type":"book_chapter","publication_identifier":{"isbn":["978-1-5108-0099-1"]},"conference":{"location":"Alexandria Virginia","name":"2015 Spring Simulation Multi Conference, 48th Annual Simulation Symposium"},"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Simulation-based optimization of manufacturing systems has emerged into a widely accepted decision support technique for industrial applications. Due to the computational complexity of these applications, simulation-based optimization is typically implemented in software systems that make use of distributed computing-units in order to reach an acceptable performance. However, even then dynamical methods, i.e. methods that are not bound to a fixed number of iterations are desired in order to further increase the performance of the optimization process. This paper addresses possibilities for employing population-based optimization techniques in an asynchronous way in order to react to computational node failures, limited computing resources and unbalanced simulation times. We demonstrate our approach by applying it to the optimization of set-up parameters for virtual tooling machines within an underlying research project of the leading edge cluster 'ITS OWL -- intelligent technical systems."}],"corporate_editor":["The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS)"],"year":"2015","_id":"1863","status":"public","publication":"Proceedings of the 48th Annual Simulation Symposium","date_created":"2022-04-22T12:43:00Z","title":"Asynchronous optimization techniques for distributed computing applications","citation":{"ama":"Reisch R, Weber J, Laroque C, Schröder C. Asynchronous optimization techniques for distributed computing applications. In: Tolk A, Padilla JJ, Jafer S, The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), eds. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Simulation Symposium. Vol 47. San Diego; 2015:49-56.","mla":"Reisch, Raphael, et al. “Asynchronous Optimization Techniques for Distributed Computing Applications.” Proceedings of the 48th Annual Simulation Symposium, edited by Andreas Tolk et al., vol. 47, 2015, pp. 49–56.","bibtex":"@inbook{Reisch_Weber_Laroque_Schröder_2015, place={San Diego}, title={Asynchronous optimization techniques for distributed computing applications}, volume={47}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 48th Annual Simulation Symposium}, author={Reisch, Raphael and Weber, Jens and Laroque, Christoph and Schröder, Christian}, editor={Tolk, Andreas and Padilla, Jose J. and Jafer, Shafagh and The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS)Editors}, year={2015}, pages={49–56} }","alphadin":"Reisch, Raphael ; Weber, Jens ; Laroque, Christoph ; Schröder, Christian: Asynchronous optimization techniques for distributed computing applications. In: Tolk, A. ; Padilla, J. J. ; Jafer, S. ; The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS) (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 48th Annual Simulation Symposium. Bd. 47. San Diego, 2015, S. 49–56","short":"R. Reisch, J. Weber, C. Laroque, C. Schröder, in: A. Tolk, J.J. Padilla, S. Jafer, The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS) (Eds.), Proceedings of the 48th Annual Simulation Symposium, San Diego, 2015, pp. 49–56.","chicago":"Reisch, Raphael, Jens Weber, Christoph Laroque, and Christian Schröder. “Asynchronous Optimization Techniques for Distributed Computing Applications.” In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Simulation Symposium, edited by Andreas Tolk, Jose J. Padilla, Shafagh Jafer, and The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), 47:49–56. San Diego, 2015.","apa":"Reisch, R., Weber, J., Laroque, C., & Schröder, C. (2015). Asynchronous optimization techniques for distributed computing applications. In A. Tolk, J. J. Padilla, S. Jafer, & The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS) (Eds.), Proceedings of the 48th Annual Simulation Symposium (Vol. 47, pp. 49–56). San Diego.","ieee":"R. Reisch, J. Weber, C. Laroque, and C. Schröder, “Asynchronous optimization techniques for distributed computing applications,” in Proceedings of the 48th Annual Simulation Symposium, vol. 47, A. Tolk, J. J. Padilla, S. Jafer, and The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), Eds. San Diego, 2015, pp. 49–56."},"user_id":"35809"}