{"publication_status":"published","year":"2015","publication":"Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence","date_created":"2022-03-31T08:40:41Z","title":"What Did You Mean? - Facing the Challenges of User-generated Software Requirements","citation":{"bibtex":"@inproceedings{Geierhos_Schulze_Bäumer_2015, title={What Did You Mean? - Facing the Challenges of User-generated Software Requirements}, DOI={10.5220/0005346002770283}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence}, publisher={SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications}, author={Geierhos, Michaela and Schulze, Sabine and Bäumer, Frederik}, year={2015}, pages={277–283} }","mla":"Geierhos, Michaela, et al. “What Did You Mean? - Facing the Challenges of User-Generated Software Requirements.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications, 2015, pp. 277–83, doi:10.5220/0005346002770283.","ama":"Geierhos M, Schulze S, Bäumer F. What Did You Mean? - Facing the Challenges of User-generated Software Requirements. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications; 2015:277-283. doi:10.5220/0005346002770283","chicago":"Geierhos, Michaela, Sabine Schulze, and Frederik Bäumer. “What Did You Mean? - Facing the Challenges of User-Generated Software Requirements.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 277–83. SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications, 2015. https://doi.org/10.5220/0005346002770283.","apa":"Geierhos, M., Schulze, S., & Bäumer, F. (2015). What Did You Mean? - Facing the Challenges of User-generated Software Requirements. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 277–283). Lisbon, Portugal: SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications. https://doi.org/10.5220/0005346002770283","ieee":"M. Geierhos, S. Schulze, and F. Bäumer, “What Did You Mean? - Facing the Challenges of User-generated Software Requirements,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015, pp. 277–283.","short":"M. Geierhos, S. Schulze, F. Bäumer, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications, 2015, pp. 277–283.","alphadin":"Geierhos, Michaela ; Schulze, Sabine ; Bäumer, Frederik: What Did You Mean? - Facing the Challenges of User-generated Software Requirements. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence : SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications, 2015, S. 277–283"},"user_id":"241734","_id":"1783","status":"public","publisher":"SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications","extern":"1","author":[{"first_name":"Michaela","full_name":"Geierhos, Michaela","last_name":"Geierhos"},{"full_name":"Schulze, Sabine","last_name":"Schulze","first_name":"Sabine"},{"last_name":"Bäumer","full_name":"Bäumer, Frederik","id":"241734","first_name":"Frederik","orcid":"0000-0002-0826-0144"}],"doi":"10.5220/0005346002770283","type":"conference","publication_identifier":{"isbn":["978-989-758-073-4"]},"conference":{"location":"Lisbon, Portugal","name":"Special Session on Partiality, Underspecification, and Natural Language Processing"},"department":[{"_id":"4b2dc5c9-bee3-11eb-b75f-ecc80f94fb21"}],"page":"277-283","date_updated":"2023-03-28T11:09:55Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}]}