Winching up heavy loads with a compliant arm: a new local joint controller

A. Schneider, H. Cruse, J. Schmitz, Biological Cybernetics 98 (2008) 413–426.

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Artikel | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Schneider, AxelFH Bielefeld ; Cruse, Holk; Schmitz, Josef
A closed kinematic chain, like an arm that operates a crank, has a constrained movement space. A meaningful movement of the chain’s endpoint is only possible along the free movement directions which are given implicitly by the contour of the object that confines the movement of the chain. Many technical solutions for such a movement task, in particular those used in robotics, use central controllers and force - torque sensors in the arm’s wrist or a leg’s ankle to construct a coordinate system (task frame formalism) at the local point of contact the axes of which coincide with the free and constrained movement directions. Motivated by examples from biology, we introduce a new control system that solves a constrained movement task. The control system is inspired by the control architecture that is found in stick insects like Carausius morosus. It consists of decentral joint controllers that work on elastic joints (compliant manipulator). The decentral controllers are based on local positive velocity feedback (LPVF). It has been shown earlier that LPVF enables contour following of a limb in a compliant motion task without a central controller. In this paper we extend LPVF in such a way that it is even able to follow a contour if a considerable counter force drags the limb away along the contour in a direction opposite to the desired. The controller extension is based on the measurement of the local mechanical power generated in the elastic joint and is called power-controlled relaxation LPVF. The new control approach has the following advantages. First, it still uses local joint controllers without knowledge of the kinematics. Second, it does not need a force or torque measurement at the end of the limb. In this paper we test power-controlled relaxation LPVF on a crank turning task in which a weight has to be winched up by a two-joint compliant manipulator.
Biological Cybernetics


Schneider, Axel ; Cruse, Holk ; Schmitz, Josef: Winching up heavy loads with a compliant arm: a new local joint controller. In: Biological Cybernetics Bd. 98, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2008), Nr. 5, S. 413–426
Schneider A, Cruse H, Schmitz J. Winching up heavy loads with a compliant arm: a new local joint controller. Biological Cybernetics. 2008;98(5):413-426. doi:10.1007/s00422-008-0230-4
Schneider, A., Cruse, H., & Schmitz, J. (2008). Winching up heavy loads with a compliant arm: a new local joint controller. Biological Cybernetics, 98(5), 413–426.
@article{Schneider_Cruse_Schmitz_2008, title={Winching up heavy loads with a compliant arm: a new local joint controller}, volume={98}, DOI={10.1007/s00422-008-0230-4}, number={5}, journal={Biological Cybernetics}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Schneider, Axel and Cruse, Holk and Schmitz, Josef}, year={2008}, pages={413–426} }
Schneider, Axel, Holk Cruse, and Josef Schmitz. “Winching up Heavy Loads with a Compliant Arm: A New Local Joint Controller.” Biological Cybernetics 98, no. 5 (2008): 413–26.
A. Schneider, H. Cruse, and J. Schmitz, “Winching up heavy loads with a compliant arm: a new local joint controller,” Biological Cybernetics, vol. 98, no. 5, pp. 413–426, 2008.
Schneider, Axel, et al. “Winching up Heavy Loads with a Compliant Arm: A New Local Joint Controller.” Biological Cybernetics, vol. 98, no. 5, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2008, pp. 413–26, doi:10.1007/s00422-008-0230-4.


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